Watermelon keg

Such a spectacular vessel made of watermelon for cocktails will surprise your guests and will be the perfect setting for a summer open-air party the sky. All you need is a crane and a watermelon itself. First turn cut its bottom so that it becomes flat and the keg is sustainable. Then the pulp is scooped out from the watermelon through the top, a tap is inserted, and the keg is filled with any drinks of your choice. Punches and fruit shakes are perfect for him. друзьями: Photo Keg from watermelon Time: 10 мин.Difficulty: Easy Portions: 4


Cut the top of the watermelon 2.5 cm. And scoop out the pulp. Trim with opposite side so that the watermelon is standing straight. Via knives for cleaning apple cores at the bottom a small hole, then expand it with a knife so that it is slightly less crane. Attach a tap. Fill the keg with any fruit cocktail at will, for example, watermelon punch. Recipes with similar Ingredients: Watermelon

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