black watermelon cooking news
Oh, these Japanese. Top Culinary News of the world today is a black watermelon without familiar to the eye green stripes and sunspots. What else surprises preparing us the biggest and most delicious berry?
To whom are watermelons black, to whom are dried, but to us – Astrakhan!
Densuke is a special pride of Japanese breeders. The dark green color of the watermelon really makes it almost in black.
Features of cultivation make Japanese exotic very expensive. The moody berry likes the climate of Hokaido only.
In their “small homeland” black watermelon can weigh 11 kg! The cultivation of “watermelon mulattos” brings considerable benefit.
And now all the cooking news is full of headlines: “Black watermelon sold for $ 3000”! Salted or pickled watermelons are a great appetizer. But are dried watermelons?
Nutritionists claim these exotic foods are pretty tasty, but their benefits are not enough. Pieces of watermelon, pineapple, mangoes are first sugared and then dried. Candied fruit good only for decorating desserts. In the watermelon-melon season lean on the “native” Astrakhan watermelons and melons. In the red pulp in addition to a lot of vitamins, a lot of organic acids.
All this “wealth” stimulates metabolic processes. Nutritionists claim that up to 2.5 kg of the largest berry can be eaten per day! Moreover, on hot days, watermelon perfectly quenches thirst and takes out body all toxins.
News commentator Elvira Shishkina
Note: you can order the Ossetian pie with meat on the website