Veal stewed with chorizo ​​and vegetables


Meat cooked in this way becomes soft. BUT the spicy taste of chorizo ​​adds an unforgettable experience to this home-made dish notes.

Let’s get started!


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  1. Chorizo ​​we thinly cut into circles.
  2. We rinse and dry the veal, cut it.
  3. Tomatoes need to be blanched and chopped coarsely.
  4. Peppers must be peeled and chopped coarsely.
  5. Chop onions and carrots.
  6. Combine meat, vegetables and sausage in one bowl. Add pepper to taste, olive oil, salt, nutmeg, finely chopped greens, garlic and sage, mix well.
  7. We put everything in a heat-resistant form and add water.
  8. Cover with foil. We poison our veal in the oven (180 ° C) for 1.5 hours.
  • veal
  • chorizo

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