Stuffed Turnip

Stuffed Turnip Stuffed Turnip

Turnip from a fairy tale that the whole family tried so hard to pull, for stuffing is not suitable. But a medium-sized root crop – the perfect dish to taste and benefit. Dish – Turnip stuffed recipe which includes an unusual combination ingredients worthy of a festive table!

Stuffed Turnip Recipe with Sauce

Turnip is a rather rare guest on our menu, especially how separate dish. And completely in vain! You just haven’t tried to prepare the root crop is SO, in a special way. French never will say – “Easier than a steamed turnip”. Europe recipe stuffed turnip sauce is high the kitchen.

For the preparation of turnips with millet and sauce you will need:

  • Turnip (strictly average root size recommended) – 5-6pcs.
  • Walnut oil (can be replaced with corn) – 2 tablespoons
  • Sunflower oil (necessarily refined, odorless) – 1 tablespoon
  • Millet (choose yellow cereal) – 0.5 cups.
  • Wheat flour (preferably premium) – 3 tablespoons
  • Burnt sugar (to give a caramel flavor) – 2 tablespoons
  • Dry wine (white!) – 50ml.
  • Raisins (large, pitted) – 100g.
  • Lemon – juice from half a citrus.
  • Vinegar 9% – 1 tablespoon
  • Sweeten and salt to taste.

You can cook stuffed turnips with millet in sauce So:

Wash the root crops, cut off the shoots and lay in a pan. Let the vegetables boil, then peel so that the turnip does not was bitter. Boil vegetables until cooked. Cool, cut off the tops and gently cut the core. Do not discard the tops. it natural lids for turnip pots.

Wash the raisins and pour boiling water over them.

Be sure to rinse millet 3-4 times, changing the water. Boil it.

Chop the pulp that was cut from the turnip, mix with vegetable oil, salt. Mix with millet and to taste make it.

Turnip pots start with millet and turnip mince and close tops-covers.

Send stuffed turnips to the oven and bake at t 120 °. The degree of readiness is golden brown.

While the dish is in the oven, prepare the sauce.

Fry flour in peanut butter. The color should turn golden. Add hot water and stir future sauce. Add the wine burnt sugar, vinegar, lemon juice, raisins.

Boil the sauce for about 3 minutes. Pour them ready turnips and leave “reach” in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Tasty ideas

Do not consider lean dishes boring. When the dressy is on the table stuffed turnip, all misconceptions about it disappear! Diversify your table, adopt such recipes as “baked vegetables for three”, cauliflower with sauce. And you surprise even staunch meat eaters!

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