The taste of this punch with ice cream will be hard to forget, as well as original serving of the drink. The recipe shows similarities with the famous Ramoz gin-fiz cocktail, which is prepared with using cream, egg whites, gin and orange water. However, the punch surpasses its predecessor. Ice cream snowman among sparkling bubbles wine brings the winter mood, creamy taste, as well as cools it instead of ordinary ice. It’s convenient that the workpiece can be assemble in advance and store in the freezer until one 8. + Excessive alcohol harms your health! Time: 1hour. 45 minutes Difficulty: easy Servings: 20 The recipes use volumetric containers: 1 cup (tbsp.) – 240 ml. 3/4 cup (st.) – 180 ml. 1/2 cup (tbsp.) – 120 ml. 1/3 cup (st.) – 80 ml. 1/4 cup (st.) – 60 ml. 1 tablespoon (tbsp.) – 15 ml. 1teaspoon (tsp) – 5 ml.
Ingredients for the recipe:
- 8 tbsp. (1.9 l.) Vanilla ice cream
- 2 tbsp. (470 ml.) Orange sorbet
- 7 chocolate mini drops
- 1 orange marmalade dragee, cut in half along
- 1 tape of sour marmalade, cut the ends with scissors to imitate the fringe of a scarf
- 1 mini marshmallow
- 1 bottle (375 ml.) Chilled gin
- 1/2 tbsp. orange liquor, such as Gran Marnier, chilled
- 2 bottles (750 ml each.) Of dry sparkling wine, chilled
- 1 liter seltzer chilled
- Powdered Sugar
Recipes with similar ingredients: gin, grand marnier liquor, Orange liqueur, sparkling wine, mineral water, vanilla ice cream, Orange sorbet, marmalade, jelly beans, marshmallows
Recipe preparation:
- Leave the pan in the freezer for 20 minutes.
- Use a special spoon to make vanilla ice cream balls, trying to give them the most perfect spherical form. Put them on a chilled baking sheet. Form one ball twice the size of the rest. Make a ball out orange sorbet, half the size of medium balls ice cream. Leave some bumps at the base (this will become “hat” of the snowman). Save the remaining sorbet for use. next time. Freeze balls until hardened (approximately 1 hour) or until you are ready to serve. Leave big a punch bowl in the freezer until it is will become very cold (approximately 30 minutes).
- Set aside 1 scoop of medium vanilla ice cream size, and put the rest in the middle of the punch bowl.
- To make a snowman, set a big ball vanilla ice cream on a hill of medium-sized “snowballs”. Attach 5 drop-shaped chocolate pieces on one side a large ball in the form of a vertical line to simulate buttons. Press them with sharp tops inwards. Set on top of a large the ball is a deferred early ball of medium size that will become head. Squeeze the 2 remaining chocolate pieces to make eyes. Attach half a marmalade dragee to simulate a nose. Wrap the marmalade ribbon around your neck as if it were a scarf. From above place a ball of orange sorbet that will become a hat. Attach a pompom mini marshmallow to it. You can collect the snowman in advance and store the bowl with the punch in the freezer chamber for 2 hours if you do not plan to serve immediately same.
- To make punch, add fluids in the following order: gin, orange liquor, sparkling wine and seltzer water. Sprinkle icing sugar to simulate snow. Serve punch in wide goblet goblets (see note), adding to each a scoop of ice cream. Note In goblet glasses, also used as champagne glasses, on a leg a wide and shallow bowl is located.