Shrimp Olivier with Pesto


Love Olivier, but want to make it diverse? Then I suggest you cook at home a delicious and delicious Olivier with shrimp and pesto.

Let’s get started!


0/14 ingredients

5 из 5 1 123.78

Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Rinse the potatoes and carrots thoroughly and boil until readiness with salt and pepper. Then we cool and we clear of peel.
  2. Hard boiled eggs. Cool under running cold water and clean.
  3. We cut vegetables and eggs into cubes of the same size, put in a salad bowl and mix everything.
  4. Add green peas, a little garlic. Dressing salad pesto sauce and mayonnaise, mix well.
  5. Put the olivier on a plate with the help of a cooking ring. Spread boiled shrimp on top and decorate with lettuce root and toast.
  6. Our refined version of Olivier is ready!
  • shrimp
  • New Year
  • Russian salad
  • pesto
  • holiday salad

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