Seafood Bean Salad


Delicious bean salad with seafood, which is very simple cook at home, does not even require cooking! I advise you to do it quick meal for a snack. You just need to mix ready-made ingredients, what could be easier? ?

Let’s get started!


0/5 ingredients

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Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. We will prepare the necessary ingredients.
  2. Open a jar of canned white beans, drain excess fluid.
  3. We open a jar of seafood in a marinade, we don’t have a marinade will be needed, so it needs to be drained.
  4. For dressing, we mix 30 g of lemon juice, 30 g of olive butter and chopped basil.
  5. We take serving glasses or bowls. First to each spread the beans, pour the dressing, then on top lay out seafood and water again with dressing.
  6. Garnish with basil salad. Our hearty salad with beans and seafood ready.
  • seafood
  • hearty salad
  • beans

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