Salad “Parmigiano”


Tasty Parmigiano salad is a restaurant level dish, which is easy to cook at home. I advise you to make this salad from eggplant for a variety of its menu.

Let’s get started!


0/12 ingredients


Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. My eggplant and cut into thin plates, spread on plate and salt.
  2. We squeeze the eggplant thoroughly with our hands so that the excess goes away water.
  3. Put eggplant in a bowl with ice and mix, it’s it is necessary so that the eggplants are fried only outside, and inside remained soft.
  4. Batter eggplant in flour and fry in olive oil until getting a crisp (at a temperature of 160 degrees).
  5. Fried eggplant spread on a napkin or paper a towel to get rid of excess oil.
  6. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves, put in a bowl and salt to taste, add dried basil.
  7. Add balsamic vinegar and olive oil, and well we think with our hands so that the tomatoes give juice.
  8. Put salad on a flat dish, add a mix of tomatoes and mozzarella slices. Rub Parmesan. Spread on top fried eggplant and pour tomato marinade.
  • eggplant
  • eggplant salad
  • tomato salad

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