Rustic potatoes in a pan: video recipe


The rustic potatoes in the pan are tastier than in the oven, but more harmful. Sometimes you can treat yourself to being harmful, try cooking at home with this recipe.

Let’s get started!


0/4 ingredients


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Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Half a kilogram of potatoes, wash thoroughly. It is advisable to buy large potatoes.
  2. Drain and cut into 4 parts, it is advisable to buy large potatoes.
  3. Add Adyghe salt with garlic or ordinary salt and granulated garlic, smoked paprika 1 tbsp.
  4. Mix thoroughly so that each lobule is in salt and paprika.
  5. Fry on warmed vegetable oil over medium heat under cover on all sides.
  6. Put the finished potatoes on napkins.
  7. It can be served as a side dish or as a separate dish.
  • garnish
  • rustic
  • Potatoes
  • snack

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