Protein Cream

one Protein Cream

If you decide to make a cake at home, then make it to him protein cream. This cream holds its shape perfectly and is suitable for Decorating various delicious cakes.

Let’s get started!


0/3 ingredients


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Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Take washed cold eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks. Protein Cream
  2. Prepare a water bath in advance.
  3. Start whipping proteins with a mixer at low speed until the first foam.

  4. Add sugar, citric acid and continue for a little longer. beat the proteins until a small increase in volume (about one and a half minutes to uniformity).

  5. Then put the bowl of cream in a water bath. Continue beat the squirrels. As soon as the mass increases and becomes lush, add speed. Beat whites continuously for another 10 minutes. Protein Cream

  6. After 10 minutes, remove the cream from the water bath and whisk 2 more minutes. The cream will be ready when it begins to form stable peaks.

  • whisk

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