Pickled Recipes gooseberry
The abundance of berries in the summer tempts housewives to look for interesting recipes, to save a piece of summer for winter. Try two delicious ways to prepare gooseberries. Marinated with spices sweet-sour, or spicy with vegetables – it’s an amazing snack, original addition to cheese, to meat.
Gooseberries pickled and soaked. Two ways
“Oh, sour” – sometimes we complain when the green berries are not gaining the desired sweetness. Cook jam, jelly – a lot of sugar would need. But pickled or soaked gooseberries “ask” only spices and, if you want to make assorted, a little cabbage, garlic, radish and carrots. Gooseberry Recipes original, you will definitely like it.
Spicy Pickled Gooseberries
To make pickled gooseberries with spices, you will need:
- Berries – focus on a half-liter jar
- Sugar – 100g.
- Water – 200ml.
- Honey – 2 tbsp.
- Wine Vinegar – 50ml.
- Dill seeds – 0.5 tsp. (You can replace dill with seeds fennel. From this berry
- acquire a more subtle, almost aniseed aroma).
- Mustard Seeds – 1 tablespoon
- Garlic – 2 cloves
You can cook pickled gooseberries in the first way So:
Bring the syrup to a boil, dip the berries in a saucepan without tails, cook for about a minute. Get a slotted spoon fruits, put them in a sterilized jar. Add the garlic in there, mustard and dill seeds. Pour wine vinegar into the syrup, give liquid to boil, fill the jar with berries.
Cool the pickled gooseberries in the refrigerator. The appetizer will be ready in three days. If you want to procure berries for future use, sterilize the jar for about ten minutes. Beautiful pickled berries are amazingly suitable as a snack, Martini Cheese Plate Decorations.
Soaked sharp gooseberries
To cook gooseberries soaked hot with vegetables, you will need:
- Gooseberry – 1kg.
- Shredded cabbage – 1 cup.
- Carrots – 1 pc.
- Onion – 1pc.
- Radish or turnip – 1 pc.
- Garlic – 5 cloves
- Hot pepper – 1 pod.
- 1 liter water need about 1 tbsp. salt.
Cook spicy soaked gooseberries with vegetables can be:
Cut vegetables into thin slices or slices. Shuffle mass with chopped garlic, pepper, chopped cabbage. Berries rinse, tear off the tails. In a container, lay layers of vegetables and fruits. Boil the brine and fill the platter. Keep future appetizer in cold place. There are assorted options with the addition of beets instead radish.
In old Russian recipes, gooseberry soaked was cooked with turnips. You can try several options. Vegetables soaked in such way to preserve vitamins, soaked in aromatic acidity berries.
Tasty ideas
There are many recipes involving berries. Delicious and very healthy fruits. can be used in the preparation of the original gravy – gooseberry fish sauce.