Musaka Greek


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This dish is common on the Balkan islands and on east.Musaka is a delicious meat casserole with vegetables. A bit of cooking at home reminds Italian lasagna with the only difference being that instead of dough layers layers of vegetables.

Let’s get started!


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  1. Fry the onion with minced meat, salt and pepper. Musaka Greek
  2. Peel the eggplants, cut into slices 1 cm thick.
  3. Fry in oil on both sides until lightly crusted. Lay in one layer in a baking dish, salt, pepper, add dry herbs, sprinkle with grated cheese. Musaka Greek
  4. Next, put the minced meat, cheese, on top of the circles of tomatoes, salt, pepper. Musaka GreekPour in beaten eggs with sour cream, send in preheated to 200 degrees oven for 35 minutes. Musaka GreekMusaka Greek

    Enjoy your meal!

  • eggplant
  • second
  • beef
  • meat
  • Vegetables
  • minced meat

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