Mini meringue: video recipe

3 Mini meringue: video recipe

A couple of secrets of making delicious meringues at home: 1) Dishes and corollas should be perfectly clean. 2) Start whipping squirrels need at minimum mixer speed. 3) For 1 gram of protein you need 2 grams Sahara. If we have 75 grams of protein, then we need twice as much sugar those. 150 gr.

Let’s get started!


0/3 ingredients


Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Chilled proteins begin to whisk at low speed for about 3-5 minutes. After increase the speed to maximum and whisk to peaks.
  2. Gradually (1 tbsp) add sugar. Beat until dissolved sugar (check with your fingers, sugar should not be felt).
  3. Add lemon juice and beat. We form a meringue and send in the oven to dry at 100 degrees 1-1.5 hours. ⠀ Enjoy appetite.
  • meringue
  • yummy
  • Bakery products
  • dessert
  • children
  • on the holidays

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