Making sandwiches

Decoration of sandwiches

Such a simple invention as a sandwich can be considered in to some extent ingenious. It would seem that it could be simpler than a piece bread with butter, but how versatile and indispensable in our life! You can even benefit from a simple sandwich for the body – a certain amount of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins with macronutrients.

On the other hand, a sandwich as a dish provides a large field for creativity. You can deal with their design constantly trying from case to case different ways that give the opportunity to decorate this simple dish.

What is the main advantage of sandwiches?

As already mentioned, they are indispensable in our lives, and all thanks to their versatility. Besides being a way have a snack at home, most of all they are practical for a snack at work, study, while traveling, in general, in situations where there is no access to a full kitchen. In addition, sandwiches can become a real table decoration and an indispensable attribute of the holiday, if You will learn how to make them beautiful.

For example, in the simplest way to diversify the familiar look a sandwich may be the use of a knife with a wavy blade. With his with help you can easily and quickly create beautiful turns of oil. BUT a pinch of greens or spring onions, bell pepper will give A complete and elegant looking dish. The sandwich will look attractive, simple and tasteful.


And also, if there is no opportunity or time to purchase cheese, butter, sausage and stuff, it’s quite possible to buy cheese in any store, created for spreading on bread. Also replace oil with non-greasy curd mixing with sour cream or a little milk (for a softer consistency) and adding pepper or lungs spices, you can cook a fairly satisfying dish.

Sandwiches with fish and caviar

Creating sandwiches with such ingredients is a classic of ours holidays. Such products are very tasty and, in addition, can Be beautifully decorated.

You can cut different geometric shapes from bread, like triangles, stars or circles. Also red caviar is good shaded by green, and as for black, then they are in harmony with it slices of cucumber or lemon. Just do not mix two types of caviar – such a flavor combination is unlikely to please you, and this sandwich will not look attractive. Better to do everything separately, then the number of sandwiches will be large, and the table will look rich.

With a large number of guests, caviar can be made additional decoration, a kind of highlight. Sandwiches with vegetables or greens with several grains of caviar or shrimp, slices fish. Such a sandwich looks beautiful, it will be saturated in taste, and A small amount of caviar will only make its taste brighter.

Fish species such as anchovies or herring can also become good filling for sandwiches. Just add fish green onions, a slice of cucumber or dill, and you get An ideal and inexpensive appetizer.


Canned Food in Sandwiches

Sandwiches with sprats look pretty familiar to us and other conservation of fish. Only here is not so attractive all this looks by itself, therefore, such sandwiches are worth to decorate. As you know, sprats are supplemented with greens or a slice lemon, but you can still use arugula or even seedlings wheat.

And any kind of canned food like saury or pink salmon is better to knead with a fork and use as a filling. In addition to the listed species canned foods, there are also pastes that are decorated with greens, olives or even sour berries.

Unusual ideas for decorating sandwiches

For breakfast, you can make a beautiful sandwich for your loved one, cutting out a heart in a piece of bread into which you pour an egg. Everything fried together and voila – a delicious and sweet breakfast is ready! BUT to make a sandwich more satisfying, add cheese, herbs, bacon and toast it all a little in the oven so that it has crispy crust. You can decorate all this with pink pepper or flowers lavender, which sprinkles fried eggs, and even these ingredients can add to a sandwich with salad or mushrooms, hard cheese.

In addition, it is important to taste the sandwiches, which act as a full meal, and have quite impressive size. For decorating sandwiches, as is the case with salads should leave the most beautiful products like radishes, cherry tomatoes or onions, basil. It all goes well, both in taste and in appearance with large sandwiches, whose ingredients are lettuce, eggs, mushrooms or cheese, as well as meat.


The most convenient way to cook large, hearty sandwiches use the classic varied recipes of your favorites salads. Caesar salad can also be adapted by making a sandwich with chicken, lettuce and eggs with cheese. If you like national cuisine of Georgia, then you can make a sandwich from such ingredients like eggplant and walnuts.

For those who can not imagine their life without meat (which is most often for men), for sandwiches, the best ingredient may be bacon, jamon, prosciutto and other types of meat delicacies. Such products can often be found in stores in the form of beautifully cut thin strips that can be used to decorate the dish. It is only necessary to carefully place a strip of meat on the bread, to embellish a slice of olives, herbs or other similar ingredients, and great sandwich ready. Just think about all ingredients combined in taste with each other.

In countries like France and Italy, the product is used, almost unknown in our country. This pasta tapenade and pesto. The first is made from olives with capers, and the second is pasta a mixture of basil and nuts. They are used as the main ingredient for a sandwich, thickly greasing pasta bread. Therefore, try to get them on any of the holidays, and you will see – such sandwiches will be eaten first. They go well with such bread products like baguettes or ciabatta.


Sweet Sandwich Options

There are many options for making sandwiches on holiday, for a snack and instead of the main course, and they can all change our usual idea of ​​this simple dish. But, there are also many options for sweet sandwiches with which you can replace the usual piece of bread with a layer of jam.

For example, a sandwich with fresh strawberries or with basil, and you can also use cream cheese. There are many more ingredients – nectarine with feta cheese or even melon with ham – try just looking for a few recipes and be surprised how many unusual combinations are there to create sweet sandwiches.

Your taste, imagination and inspiration for experimentation will become the best allies for creating unusual and delicious sandwiches, which can also be aesthetically pleasing attractive.

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