Fried pork meatballs

2 Fried pork meatballs

Stuffed meatballs can not only be stewed in sauce, but also cook at home in butter. Particularly delicious fried meatballs are obtained from minced pork.

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0/7 ingredients


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  1. In a bowl we send minced pork, add salt (2 pinches), ground pepper, egg, flour, finely chopped onions and well mix the workpiece for meatballs. Fried pork meatballs

  2. From the meat blank we form 8 balls, put in melted butter and fry meatballs over medium heat, until browned, 6-7 minutes each side. Fried pork meatballs

  3. Fragrant fried meatballs served hot with a side dish and carrot salad (grated carrots, apple with lemon juice and vegetable oil). Fried pork meatballs

  • meat
  • pork
  • Meatballs
  • minced meat

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