Facial scrub

home facial scrub home facial scrub Skolosok

Pomegranate face scrub. Learn a fresh sensation! Beauticians consider pomegranate a “precious” fruit by degree skin exposure! Shredded pomegranate face scrub with bones is able to return youth already in one procedure!

Homemade pomegranate face scrub

Are you going to make another salad with pomegranate? Squeezed juice for a delicious meal? Do not rush to throw bones! Grind them in a coffee grinder and leave to cook surprisingly effective cosmetic products. The value of pomegranate seed oil in bright pronounced lifting effect. In cosmetic laboratories him obtained by cold pressing and used in regenerative creams.

Homemade Scrub Recipe

In the face scrub you can make with this recipe, it is enough to stimulate the process of cell regeneration and stop skin aging.

  • Mix ground bones with fine salt.
  • Add any milk or gel for washing.
  • Massage your face for several minutes.
  • Wash off with water.

Pomegranate skin benefits can indeed be compared to vitamin explosion. Their alliance with natural antioxidants Resists the damaging effects of free radicals. Polysaturated fatty acids and punic acid penetrate the most deep layers of the dermis. When every cell is stocked up trace elements, the skin looks amazing all day. No sign of fatigue!

Recent studies have shown that thanks to the antioxidant properties of pomegranate seeds can reduce the risk skin cancer.

Home scrub or home gommage?

Our skin doesn’t always like salt, especially if it is sensitive. This ingredient can be eliminated by turning facial scrub in gentle gommage. Washing with such a tool is a pleasure. If your skin is dry then you can add to the mixture of gel and crushed seeds cosmetic oil or a mixture thereof.

Pomegranate face scrub. Treat oily skin

For lovers of cosmetic experiments, you can offer a more complex facial scrub that delicately cares for oily skin: minimizes black spots, removes excess sebum, tightens and cleanses pores.

  • In addition to pomegranate seeds, you have to grind a stone olives.
  • Mixing olive and pomegranate in equal parts, you get useful base for scrub.
  • As a liquid component, you can again use gel.
  • An important component is calendula tincture or aloe juice. Moreover each time you can add fresh bioactive juice in the “morning” portion for washing.

As you can see, again our kitchen becomes a “direct” supplier unique cosmetics. Visit us often for “tasty and healthy”!

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