Eggplant “Fragrant”

29th Eggplant "Fragrant"

Delicious flavorful appetizer is obtained thanks to spices. Therefore the recipe can be cooked at home squash or young pumpkin (pumpkin chop more finely). Eggplant must be preliminarily salt and rinse to remove specific bitterness.

Let’s get started!


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Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Wash eggplant, cut into circles about one cm thick. Sprinkle with salt, mix, leave for half an hour. Then eggplant rinse under running water and drop in a colander. Eggplant "Fragrant"
  2. Prepare a breading, mix the finished breading mixture (e.g. crackers with sesame seeds) with your favorite seasoning (in in this case, marjoram and basil).
  3. In a bowl, beat the eggs with salt.
  4. Dip the prepared eggplant mugs into a beaten egg, then into the breading mixture. Eggplant "Fragrant"Eggplant "Fragrant"
  5. Fry in a heated frying pan in vegetable oil until golden in about five minutes on both sides. Eggplant "Fragrant"
  6. Serve on serving plates, garnished with halves of cherry and green leaves.
  • eggplant
  • spice
  • egg

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