Time for preparing
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Stunningly beautiful and tasty appetizer we will prepare at home from smoked red fish, cream cheese, dill and fresh cucumber. To make this dish for the festive table is not at all difficult.
Let’s get started!
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Put cream cheese, smoked red fish fillet in a bowl (you can take any) and chopped dill.
Mix with a blender until a homogeneous paste.
Cut the cucumber into thin long slices.
Grease the prepared slices of cucumber with fish paste.
We turn the cucumber with the paste into a roll so that the center the part was a little protruding. Using this method, we cook all the slices cucumber.
We put beautiful fragrant rolls of cucumber and smoked fish on plate, cool for 30 minutes and immediately serve.
- Snack
- smoked fish
- cucumber
- A fish
- cheese