Chocolate Frozen Bananas


One of the most delicious and very easy to cook at home desserts. Surprise yourself and your children with an unusual treat, which can be made from a minimum set of ingredients.

Let’s get started!


0/5 ingredients


Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Put the bananas in the freezer for at least 20-25 minutes.
  2. Break chocolate into metal dishes, add to it cream and melt in a water bath.
  3. We take our bananas from the freezer, peel and cut each into 2-3 parts.
  4. Grind the nuts and put on a flat dish.
  5. We take a baking sheet and put aluminum foil on it. Dip a banana on a stick or skewer in icing, sprinkle with nuts and put on a baking sheet.
  6. Put ready-made bananas in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Enjoy your meal!

  • banana
  • dessert
  • children
  • ice cream
  • simply
  • chocolate

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