dried beets for the winter
Harvesting dried beets for the winter will not take you much time and will not cause as much trouble as with canning. When drying root crops fully retain their beneficial properties. Add dried beets in soups and borscht, in various salads and vinaigrettes.
Dried beets for the winter
For drying beets for the winter, use a variety in which the pulp saturated dark color.
Rinse the roots thoroughly with a sponge, remove the heads and the roots.
Rinse beets and boil for 30 minutes, then immediately lower in cold water for 15 minutes.
Peel the fruit and cut into small strips or noodles ( thickness from 2 to 4 mm).
Rinse the cut beets and place them on the drying.
Another, no less good way to dry beets:
- Rinse the roots thoroughly, peel, chop small noodles and blanch
- in boiling salted (5 g of salt per 1 liter of water) water for 3 minutes. Refrigerate beets immediately in cold water.
- Dry beetroot noodles at high temperature (85 degrees) for 6 hours.
- Dried root vegetables of good high quality should be dark red with a pink or purple tint.
The yield of dry vegetables depends on their size and initial qualities: from 1 kg of fresh root crops 120-150 gr are obtained dried.
Choose the method of drying vegetables depending on the conditions. Artificial drying is the most common: over-plate and cabinets, electric dryers, Russian stove.
Solar-air drying depends on climate and on conditions the weather.
Tasty ideas:
Not only vegetables can be dried. In winter, it will add flavor to your dishes dried herbs, and dried fruit compotes can not be compared with juices from the shops.
Left topper? Cook the pickled beet tops, which perfectly complements the vinaigrette.