Beer benefit

The benefits of beer The benefits of beer

Greek scholars finally put an end to the famous debate about whether beer is good for the heart or not! For hobby lovers such culinary news should not drink go unnoticed.

How many “beer” grams are good for the heart?

A glass of beer makes the arteries elastic, improves blood flow. Of course, if a quality “live” drink is supposed. Big the amount of antioxidants contains only real product.

Studies were conducted with a group of men up to 30 years old. Each volunteer drank a pint (about 400ml) of a hop drink, after which a full survey of the work was carried out hearts.

Hoppy Cherry Surprise

Original refreshing Belgian beer with an intriguing name Belle Vue Kriek connoisseurs call it a summer drink. “Cherry exclusive “boiled with the addition of sour cherries on one of technological stages. Deep red with ruby ​​tint makes it look like wine. Fruit spicy sweet and sour taste especially loved by the ladies.

If you manage to buy Belle Vue Kriek, you can serve beer to fruit dessert. Your guests will be surprised! Beer with fruit!

Here’s another interesting tip. This Belgian variety is good to drink 2 January. Cherry hop drink after the New Year libations – best remedy for a hangover.

Wild rice, cherry beer, pickled eggs … What else Are you interested in “culinary rarities”? Write, we tell you.

News commentator Elvira Shishkina

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