Basbus: recipe video


Basbus is an Arabian sweetness that is friable, juicy, fragrant sweet coconut cake syrup. It sounds complicated and confused, but in fact it’s preparing well very easy. At the same time, the taste of this Arabian sweet with tea will deliver minutes of enjoyment for you. I had a mixture for cooking bassuses two types of coconut flakes white and yellow, due to this pie it turns out a very beautiful yellow-golden color.

Let’s get started!


0/11 ingredients


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Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Mix coconut, flour, semolina in a bowl, baking powder, vanilla sugar (can be replaced with 1 gr. vanillin).
  2. Add the egg, vegetable oil, kefir and well mix.
  3. In the end, I add sugar, because when it does not have time to dissolve in the test, when baking creates a very light caramel crust. This is purely my opinion, since most of the culinary experts add it along with dry ingredients.
  4. The shape for the busbus is better to take square or rectangular. On put a sheet of baking paper on the bottom and grease the sides of the mold oil.
  5. Pour the dough into a mold and smooth.
  6. Arrange the almonds in even rows so that when slicing on each a piece was a nut.
  7. Put the form with the future bass in preheated to 180 degrees oven for 40 minutes.
  8. While the cake is baking, prepare the syrup. Pour ½ into the saucepan Art. cold water, add sugar and lemon juice, put on fire bring the syrup to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Give syrup cool off.
  9. Remove the baked Busbus from the oven, cool (about 20 minutes).
  10. Cut the cooled cake into pieces and pour cool on top syrup. Let the syrup soak and can serve the bassus for tea. Have a nice tea party.
  • flavored cake
  • Busbus
  • tea baking
  • Manna
  • pie
  • coconut cake
  • coconut pie
  • semolina pie
  • almond pie
  • pecan pie
  • syrup cake
  • sweet pastries
  • sweet pie

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