Anti-aging mask

Anti-aging mask

For those who know the secret of French anti-aging carrot masks, no tanning bed needed! After a week course you are guaranteed smooth, warm complexion and improved skin tone. Photoaging so scares the Frenchwoman that each mask knows the composition of this mask lady.

Recipe for a rejuvenating face mask

Carrot mask improves complexion, fights against small imperfections of the skin, nourishes and tightens, smoothes small facial wrinkles.

  • Grate the carrots and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.
  • Mix carrot juice in a 1: 1 ratio with bio-yogurt, sour milk or kefir.
  • Brew a pharmacy chamomile, let it brew.
  • We take a cotton pad, moisten it in chamomile infusion, wring it, take a carrot-yoghurt mixture with a disk and apply it evenly on face.
  • Let’s dry and several more can be applied in this way. layers.
  • We leave the mask on the face for a total of 15 minutes.
  • Wash off the mask with warm water, rinse with cold.

The advantages of a French anti-aging carrot mask it also includes the fact that it does not contain fruit acids, and may even for sensitive skin prone to inflammation.

We can do without a solarium!

Not only the French women knew the secret of “carrots”. At our grandmothers a similar recipe passed down from generation to generation! Beauticians slightly adjusted the composition of the ingredients by making The recipe is simple to prepare and more useful.

Add a little coffee grounds to carrot puree to avoid yellowish tint. Tiny particles of coffee while doing the role of soft abrasive. Massaging your face a little natural carrot peeling, the mask should be washed off. Do not forget about the neck so that there is no contrast. After this mask the skin will need moisturizing cream.

It is interesting! Scientists have found an interesting fact: carrots, cabbage and kiwi are able to give the skin a semblance of a tan and a healthy look! So, eat delicious salads from these products and enjoy carrot masks!

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