Seaweed Salad

Dry seaweed salad with broccoli Dry sea salad broccoli cabbage

You can cook different seaweed salad ways. Just how to cook seaweed – dry, which has now become popular for a healthy diet product? We offer a recipe for turning it into “wet” and a recipe spicy salad with broccoli.

Dry Seaweed Salad

You can buy healthy algae in any market where there is a department “all for sushi”, on the market, in Asian stores, in pharmacies or online stores. For a salad, it is more convenient to use not sheets (as for rolls), and “straws.” Don’t be surprised by your presence kelp at the pharmacy counter. It is healthiest means.

To make dry seaweed delicious, you will need

  • Laminaria – determine the amount by the pan in which you will boil seaweed. If the capacity is 2 liters, lay evenly half straw from kelp.
  • Wine vinegar to taste.
  • Spices: cayenne pepper (or chili), allspice, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, lavrushka. You may not use all of this. list. Focus on your addictions.
  • Sugar and salt – as for ordinary cooking marinade.

As kelp grows in size, you will succeed a lot of seaweed. This is convenient. Put the algae in refrigerator, and use to make different salads and additives in dishes.

You can make dry kelp So:

Rinse the algae well. The smell of the sea, sand – unchanged satellites. We leave sea aroma, we wash out sand. Preliminary You can soak for 10 minutes.

Pour kelp with clean water and set to boil. In water add spices, salt, wine vinegar, pepper, sugar. Better if algae will not be too soft. Especially if you are planning store them “in reserve”. 10 or 20 minutes – determine by to taste.

Once the seaweed has cooled, set aside the salad portion with broccoli, and put the rest in a regular container.

For the preparation of seaweed salad with broccoli you will need:

  • Broccoli – 4-5 inflorescences
  • Sea kale – about 100g.
  • Lemon juice (for broccoli) – 1 pc.
  • Wine Vinegar – 30ml.

The salad is prepared quickly, it turns out delicious! The perfect snack at least for the holiday table, at least for every day.

Tasty ideas

In Japan, there are more than 200 recipes with the use of kelp. In Russia, algae has also become very popular. Moreover, not only in oriental dishes. Use prepared, reconstituted from dry, sea kale is useful in vegetable stew, make it as a seasoning, stew with vegetables. Yummy make a young octopus salad or a salad of mushrooms with cabbage.

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