Rose petal jam

jam from the petals jam from the petals

The beauty and smell of roses have been praised at all times. But everyone recognized Queen of flowers is able to give not only delight from contemplation. Fragrant sweetness, delicate taste, delicious color hides jam from rose petals! Recipe even doctors recommend! The “pink treat” will save you from colds.

Three original rose jam recipes

Jam from the petals

To make sweets for us will need:

  • rose petals 800 gr
  • granulated sugar 800 gr
  • citric acid 1 g or
  • juice of one lemon

For the preparation of fragrant jam, use varieties of flowers with good, pronounced smell, adding flower petals rose hips. Collect half-opened buds only at dawn. It is in the early hour that the whole aroma is revealed. Take the inflorescence and cut the stalk with scissors, capturing half a centimeter of the base flower.

Rinse the petals in running water, removing all excess parts flower. Throw it over to a sieve or colander. Dip in boiling water the petals. After 3-5 minutes, drain the water.

Cool boiled raw materials in ice water. Into the water, in which flowers were blanched, add granulated sugar (800 g per 1 l). Boil the syrup and add 1 gram of citric acid (juice one lemon).

Thanks to acid, jam is not sugared. Dip in syrup petals and cook until thickened. Pour the pink jam over small jars and roll up.

Tea rose jam

Separate the raw material from the stem as in the previous recipe.

Rub the washed petals with sugar in proportion 1: 1.

Dissolve 2 g of citric acid in 1 tablespoon and add to pink sugar. Allow the mass to infuse for at least 5-6 hours.

Make syrup from two glasses of granulated sugar and one glasses of water. Pour in infused crushed roses with sugar and boil for 15-20 minutes over low heat. Jars of jam from roll up the petals hot and cool at room temperature.

The easiest and fastest recipe for jam from petals roses

Pour the washed raw material with prepared syrup: 200 g petals 5 glasses of water and 800 grams of sugar. Cook the jam until preparedness: rose petals should become soft, and syrup – viscous. Cool the jars at room temperature, cover with lids and keep in the refrigerator.

Tasty ideas:

The most romantic jam in the world will make even magic ordinary bun. But it’s best to decorate with a pink treat homemade ice cream.

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