Christmas flickering flame pudding table – this is the main gastronomic intrigue of the holiday in England. The beautiful and tasty tradition of the British fell in love all over the world. The British are preparing a flame pudding a few weeks before holiday.
Flame pudding recipe
Number of ways to make a Christmas dessert great multitude. Each family has its own “delicious” secrets. Traditionally, on the 25th Sunday after Trinity, the British solemnly knead the pudding dough. Moreover, involved all family members. Kneading the dough, everyone makes a wish. we We offer you a delicious recipe for flame pudding, which you can cook on the eve of a bright holiday and do not wait six weeks.
To make a flame pudding, you will need:
- Prunes (he gave the pudding the name plum) – 200g
- Raisins (more beautiful – light and dark) – enough for 1 handfuls.
- Dried cranberries (usually sold sweet) – about 50g
- Almonds – approximately 30g.
- Dark beer (choose high-quality) – 180g.
- Brandy (you can replace cognac) – 100g. Quantity given common. About 50 g will be needed in the dough. The rest will go to solemn burning of dessert.
- Sugar (preferably dark) – 120g.
- Flour (choose coarse grinding) – 100g.
- Fine flour – about 3 tablespoons
- Interior fat (lard) – at least 2 tablespoons
- Egg (medium size) – 2pcs.
- Lemon zest
- Pear (necessarily juicy and sweet)
- Spices: chopped cloves, ginger powder – 0.4 each tsp; cinnamon and nutmeg – 0.7 tsp.
- Soda – about 1 tsp
- Butter.
You can make a flame pudding like this:
Melt the interior fat slowly, dissolve the sugar in it. Add prunes, raisins and cranberries, pour beer. Wait for the mass boiled. Count 5 minutes and turn off the stove. Grind zest, mix with spices and combine with the original mass.
Pour flour into the cooled dough only. Knead, knock eggs, add soda, pre-chopped almonds. Same way send the pear, cut into simple cubes. Pour in brandy (50g). Once again, gently mix the future dessert.
Lubricate the mold (butter only). For similar products special forms that need to be turned are sold. it very comfortable and beautiful. Cover the pan with plain baking paper attach the cover on top. Prepare the construction so that cook a flame pudding in a water bath. The fire must be weak
Time for preparing
– about 5 hours. Do not forget to monitor the water level and add as you boil.
Once the product has cooled, gently flip it over to a beautiful dish. Before you announce the ceremonial presentation of the flame pudding, pour cognac over the dessert and gently set it on fire.
Tasty ideas
For the Christmas table, we still have a lot of festive and bright recipes. Cook the goose baked in the oven, or make gingerbread house with children.