Mascarpone cheese


Mascarpone is an Italian sweet cheese, which is used in the preparation of desserts and all kinds of delicious pastes. Mascarpone preparation is very simple and affordable. Not do you believe?

Italian mascarpone cheese for desserts

To make real mascarpone cheese, we will need:

  • Cream of fat content of 15-20% (no less and no more) 400g pasteurized
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • and patience

Mascarpone should be prepared as follows:

Pour the cream into a saucepan and put in a water bath. No way Do not bring to a boil. Once the cream is warm add lemon juice and heat again, not allowing to boil. Fire heating should be minimal.

The mass slowly begins to curl up and somehow reminds kefir, and then condensed and resembles a thick sour cream. Everything mix and remove from heat. We give a little rest (15-20 minutes). Another important point: do not overexpose the cream on fire, this may affect the taste. Do not expect the cream to break down into grains like cottage cheese. It will not happen.

On a strainer we apply gauze (3-4 layers) or cotton fabric and filter the resulting serum. Cheese process quite a long 2-3 hours, then we hang the gauze so that under its the severity of the glass is the remaining unnecessary serum.

Then we transfer cheese in gauze again to the strainer, put the load 300-400 grams on top and send to the refrigerator for the night. In the morning transfer the cheese mass into a bowl and mix.

If cheese is needed for sweet foods: add powdered sugar or sand.

If cheese mass is needed for sauces, lasagna, mushrooms or pate, then you need to add spices.

We leave the mascarpone cheese in the refrigerator for a couple of days for saturation with taste.

Enjoy your meal!

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