French toasts are nothing but croutons fried in oil from white bread soaked in a sweet egg mixture. They are perfect Suitable for a delicious breakfast or dessert. In preparation French toast is better to use yesterday or hardened bread, roll, challah or baguette. And so that they become more magnificent, after roasting, bake the toasts a little in the oven. Pour toast chocolate syrup, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve to a cup кофе. AT ремя: 20 мин.Difficulty: Easy Portions: 6
Make perfect french toasts using 12 thick slices of baguette. Preheat the oven to 175 ° C. In a shallow bowl beat 4 eggs, 1.5 tbsp. low-fat cream or milk, 0.5 tsp. nutmeg, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 tsp sugar and a pinch salt. In a non-stick pan over medium heat melt 0.5 tbsp. l (75 gr.) Butter. Working in parties dip 6 thick slices of white bread, challah or bun in egg mix and fry in a pan until golden brown, for 2-3 minutes with each side, adding more butter if necessary. Put the toasts on a baking sheet and bake until fluffy for 8-10 minutes. ВMelt the oven at a power of 50% and melt 90 g. chopped dark chocolate with 1/3 tbsp. maple syrup for 1 minute; mix until smooth. Lubricate french toast with chocolate syrup and sprinkle with icing sugar. Recipes with Similar Ingredients: Baguette, Toast