New Year’s desserts, 24 recipes

With these sweet colorful desserts, the New Year will be веселее. Print version Photo Christmas desserts, 24 recipes

Bues de Noelle (Christmas log)

Bues de Noelle (Christmas log)Create fairy tale atmosphere by serving traditional french cake “Christmas log.” Rich Chocolate Genoa (Genoese) sponge cake) rolls in a roll with butter cream with the addition of coffee and brandy, and then decorated with berries, cones and mushrooms from marzipan. The delight of the guests will justify all your efforts. Recipe: Бюш дё Ноэль (Рождественское полено)

Santa Claus Strawberry

Santa Claus from strawberriesThis exquisite holiday treat is great Suitable for brunch or light dessert. Jada de Laurentis covers the cut strawberries with mascarpone cream, and the remaining tip of the berry becomes Santa’s hat. Recipe: Санта-Клаусы из клубники

Sticky Toffee Pudding

StickyTo complete the festive meal, cook sweet pudding with dates soaked in rum, generously poured Iris Sauce Recipe: Sticky Toffee Pudding

Cookies “Christmas canes”

Biscuit Sandra lee prepares charming cane cookies using creamy cheese for a rich texture, a dry mix for sugar cookies and Christmas Peppermint Extract Taste. Recipe: Christmas Canes Cookies

White Chocolate Candies with Cranberries and Pistachios

White Chocolate Candies with Cranberries and PistachiosChocolate “bark” – a simple dessert for company of guests. These tiles are made of white chocolate with red cranberries and green pistachios. Recipe: Sweets made of white шоколада с клюквой и фисташками

Cupcake Christmas Tree

Christmas tree made of cupcakesMake out chocolate cupcakes a fabulous dessert that will decorate your Christmas table. Sprinkle plenty of cream-covered cupcakes green confectionery sprinkle and fix them on a cone of polystyrene using toothpicks. Recipe: Christmas Tree из капкейков

Cake without baking Christmas log

Cake without baking Christmas logThis delicious holiday cake does not require baking and is filled the taste of coffee and chocolate. Prepare it in advance to save time on the day of the holiday. Recipe: Cake Without Baking Рождественское полено

Homemade cannoli rolls with ricotta and chocolate chips conditions

Cannoli rolls with ricotta and chocolate chips at homeRecipe The home cannoli from Alex Guarnachelli is very simple. Here is her main tip: add stuffing to the tubes just before you there is. Sprinkled with powdered sugar, this traditional Italian baking looks like it is covered in snow – perfect for winter holidays. Recipe: Cannoli Ricotta and шоколадной крошкой в домашних условиях

Stollen (German Christmas Cupcake)

Stollen (German Christmas Cupcake)This traditional German dessert with candied fruits and nuts can be served without topping, either powdered sugar or icing. Recipe: Stollen (German Christmas cupcake)

Peppermint Ice Cream with Marshmallows

Mint ice cream with marshmallowsFor this frozen mint treats do not need an ice cream maker. Refreshing taste peppermints provide two kinds of Christmas sweets, and mini marshmallows give a special touch. Recipe: Peppermint Ice Cream with Marshmallows

Pannetone Bread Pudding with Amaretto Sauce

Pannetone Bread Pudding with Amaretto SauceFor this traditional Italian dessert delicate pieces of panettone are saturated with saturated cream, then baked and served warm with sweet amaretto sauce. Recipe: Pannetone Bread Pudding with Amaretto Sauce

Orange Pound Cupcake with Ricotta and Strawberries

Orange Pound Cupcake with Ricotta and StrawberriesJada’s homemade pound muffin is so sweet light and airy, which is enough to add simple strawberry topping, without cream or glaze. Recipe: Апельсиновый фунтовый кекс с рикоттой и клубникой

Cranberry Corn Muffin

CranberryCranberries, Orange Zest and Cornmeal connect in an excellent christmas dessert. Recipe: Кукурузный кекс с клюквой

Brownie “Christmas deer”

BrownieCaramel canes, marshmallows and waffle cookies turn brownie cakes into festive elegant dessert. They are very simple, so you can cook with the kids! Recipe: Brownie Christmas олени”

Crispy Santa Hat Cheesecake

CrispyFrom dry rice breakfast is an unusual sweet cake for cheesecake. Decorated with Santa’s strawberry hats, these cakes will surely become favorite New Year’s dessert. Recipe: Crispy Cheesecake “Колпак Санты”

Gingerbread men in hot chocolate whirlpool

Gingerbread men in a hot chocolate whirlpoolLet your gingerbread men become the characters in the plot: with cream, draw bathing on them costumes and place in cups with hot cocoa. Recipe: Пряничные человечки в джакузи из горячего шоколада

Cupcake Gingerbread Man

Gingerbread man made of cupcakesThis Gingerbread man consists of cupcakes. Do not forget take a beautiful dessert before serving guests. Recipe: Gingerbread man cupcake

Brownie “Christmas trees”

BrownieSimple cakes become special thanks to green cream and sweets. We bake brownies in round cake molds to make them easy to cut into triangles. Recipe: Brownie “Christmas Trees”

Sugar-chocolate chocolate cake with cranberries

Chocolate-almond cake with cranberries in sugarMake an elegant chocolate cake, using a mixture of wheat and almond flour. For festive taste decorate the cake with sweet and piquant candied Cranberries. Recipe: Chocolate Almond Cake with Sugar Cranberries

Meringues on sticks

Meringues on sticksWhite chocolate candy coated on both hardened meringues – elegant seasonal Dessert Recipe: Meringues on Sticks

Meringue Sandwiches

MeringueThe mini-meringue is perfect for dessert in a sandwich cookie. Use berry jam topping or lemon cream and serve on a crystal plate for a beautiful Presentation Recipe: Meringue Sandwiches

Mint Marshmallow Snowmen

MintIn these funny “snowmen” have a secret component – pepper extract mint for a festive touch Taste Recipe: Mint Marshmallow Snowmen

Souffle “Triple Ginger”

SouffleJada’s Sweet Spicy Souffle Will Be Elegant Complement to the festive brunch. Used in the recipe Three types of ginger: ground, fresh and crystallized. Recipe: Суфле “Тройной имбирь”

Egg-flavored ice cream

Egg-LegAlton Brown adds bourbon and freshly grated nutmeg to vanilla ice cream walnut: a classic drink in a frozen form. Recipe: Мороженое со вкусом Эгг-ног

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