Club Sandwich Cakes

Step-by-step photo recipe for making imitation cakes classic english bacon, salad and tomato sandwiches. A cake is prepared from biscuit, cream, coconut shavings, iris and marmalade. Then cut into cakes in the form of club sandwiches.

Recipe author – Karen Tack, Alan Richardson (Karen Tack and Alan Richardson) culinary writers

Photo Cakes Time: one час. 20 minutes. Complexity: medium Recipes use volumetric containers with a volume of: 1 cup (st.) – 240 ml. 3/4 cup (st.) – 180 ml. 1/2 cup (st.) – 120 ml 1/3 cup (st.) – 80 ml. 1/4 cup (st.) – 60 ml. 1tablespoon (tbsp.) – 15 ml. 1 teaspoon (tsp) – 5 ml.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • 450 gr white cream
  • 2 tbsp. coconut flakes
  • Mold lubricant (cooking spray)
  • 1 pack (500 gr.) Dry mix for baking biscuit or cupcake
  • Green and Yellow Gel Food Coloring
  • 12-16 pcs. marmalade sweets in the form of red fruit lobules
  • 40 candies of iris without filling, white, brown and red colors

Recipes with similar ingredients: a cupcake mix, cream, coconut flakes, marmalade

Recipe preparation:


  1. Lubricate the square baking dish with a size of 23×23 cm. and 7 cm high. Or sprinkle it with a baking spray. Prepare pour the biscuit mixture according to the instructions into the mold and bake until cooked at the temperature indicated on the package. Allow to cool completely, then free from form and put in 30 min freezer. Frozen sponge cake is easier to cut and less crumbles.
  2. Cakes

  3. If a dome forms during baking, cut it toothed with a knife. You should get an even square biscuit. At using toothpicks stuck around the perimeter of the biscuit, cut it 3 equal in thickness.
  4. Cakes

  5. Cooking Salad: Put Coconut Chips in Tight resealable bag. A few drops of green and yellow food dilute the dye in half a teaspoon of water to obtain light green color. Add dye to the chip bag, shake it until evenly stained.
  6. Cakes

  7. Cooking “tomatoes”: cut with marmalade with a sharp knife slices of sugar grains. Shape them into slices of tomato.
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  9. Cooking the bacon: take a plate, put on it baking paper. Lay on a plate of candy iris in the next sequences: row of red, row of white, row of brown, and again a row of reds.
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  11. Place the plate in the microwave for a few seconds, so that the candies become softer, but do not melt.
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  13. Connect the softened sweets with each other, then roll into a long thin strip and cut into pieces so that they look reminded slices of bacon. Give waved slices of bacon form for greater resemblance.
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  15. Putting together a cake: lower and middle biscuit layer spread with butter cream and cover generously with coconut flakes, imitating salad. Do not lubricate the top layer – this is the top layer a sandwich. Each layer is cut diagonally into 4 equal parts (as shown in the photo).
  16. Cakes

  17. Put on quarters greased with cream and sprinkled with “salad” slices of “tomatoes” and slices of “bacon”, then cover with quarters with cream and “salad”, lay on top “tomatoes” and “bacon”; Complete the assembly with quarters of biscuit without cream.
  18. Cakes

  19. Put together the Club Sandwich cakes thus assembled together, securing them with long skewers.

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