Sauerkraut with vodka

sauerkraut on vodka sauerkraut on vodka

By tradition, not a single holiday in Russia is complete without wonderful pickles and sauerkraut, recipes which we handed down from generation to generation. And only the most skilled housewives bring to this day exactly primordial options, such as sauerkraut with vodka.

Sauerkraut on vodka

  • When the site begins to live, I add to its piggy bank recipes and readers, which is very nice! Elena Shiryaeva, collector of interesting web paintings, admirer of Russian traditions, and especially tea drinking, shared with us an old the recipe.

“I can’t write exactly in grams, because I always do on peephole, out of habit, is my grandmother’s recipe.

I chop cabbage, as usual, add grated carrots, someone puts more, someone less, add a handful of salt to the enameled basin (again, I do not know what the volume is).

I spread the cabbage tightly in cans, set sour, pierce with a wand so that the gas comes out, add juice – in general, before that the place is everything, as always.

But in three days I make a funnel thick in each bank a knitting needle (I have a wooden number 10)),

and add a tablespoon of sugar and a tablespoon for every liter vodka.

That is, in a three-liter jar – 3 tablespoons each, in a two-liter – 2 tablespoons each.

If cabbage is fermented in a pan, then you need to know the volume.

After adding vodka and sugar to the cabbage for about half a day I keep the jars warm so that the sugar dissolves, and then you can put in the cold.

Vodka stops fermentation, so cabbage does not work very sour and crunchy. ”

Tasty Ideas:

  • It is recommended to take as much salt as cabbage while stirring with carrots seemed a little brackish.
  • Try serving pickled cucumbers on the table. vodka, and there will be no end to the guests, you will become famous yourself skilled hostess!

Elena, thank you for such a wonderful recipe, I hope that you have a lot of goodies for us))

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