Refried beans – A detailed recipe for cooking. Share with друзьями: Time: 30min Difficulty: easy Servings: 3 The recipes use dimensional capacity: 1 cup (tbsp.) – 240 ml. 3/4 cup (st.) – 180 ml 1/2 cup (tbsp.) – 120 ml. 1/3 cup (st.) – 80 ml. 1/4 cups (st.) – 60 ml. 1 tablespoon (tbsp.) – 15 ml. 1 teahouse spoon (tsp) – 5 ml.
Ingredients for the recipe:
- 450 gr canned pinto beans, drain the brine and rinse
- 3 tbsp. l olive oil
- 1/2 medium onion, chopped
- 4 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- 1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 2/3 to 1 tbsp. chicken broth
- 1 tbsp. l chopped cilantro
Recipes with similar ingredients: Pinto beans, onions, garlic, coriander, cumin, baked beans, cilantro
Recipe preparation:
- Set aside about a third of the beans. Mash the rest of the beans in medium bowl with a large fork. Set aside. Heat oil in medium pan over medium heat. Add the onions and fry until lightly brown, about 4 minutes Add the garlic and continue. cook, stirring, until slightly fried. Add spices and cook until aroma for about 1 min.
- Add bean puree and half the broth. Cook often stirring until slightly thickened for about 5 minutes. Add deferred third of beans and enough remaining broth. Simmer until the beans will fall apart, but do not bring to a pasty state (about 2 min.). Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir with cilantro, and serve. Try to cook refried beans for this prescription, with the addition of other seasonings.