Essential Bechamel Sauce

Essential Bechamel Sauce

One single word can tell everything about France. -white sauce, the most famous and sought-after, called bechamel. This sauce has a perfect texture, combining and aesthetic and taste moment. He is in the top five French classic sauces. Perfectly combined with the whole a palette of dishes – and meat and poultry, fish and vegetables, eggs.

How did the winning path of white sauce begin? It’s hard to say who first guessed to fry equal parts of flour and butter, and achieving readiness to pour milk, but this is the first, main recipe.

The mysterious history of the Great Sauce

To date, it is not known exactly who owns the authorship. white sauce. Many are inclined to believe that white sauce was invented by the talented financier and manager of the king’s kitchen Louis XIV. But at the same time there is no evidence that this the venerable gentleman had some kind of cookery talent. There is another the opinion that the recipe for white sauce was born in his fantasy a contemporary, a chef. These versions, by and large, cover the same time era, the portal reports

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But the version in which the Medici takes part is somewhat differs from the previously indicated. When the noble Medici moved to France, with her, she brought a whole staff of cooks and masters. It was in 1533 that the cultural confusion of Italy and France in the field of cuisine. And then to the imposing French cuisine Bechamel entered in a gait. By the way, Italians called a similar sauce balsamella, which indirectly proves the veracity of this historical version.

One way or another, but the heyday of white sauce falls on the seventeenth century, and then its many variations appear. Cooks don’t abhorred experiments and added to the original, triple the composition of more and more new ingredients, gradually removing white sauce to leading positions in relation to others. The end of the cook bacchanalia regarding white sauce was laid in the eighteenth century. It was Antonin Karem who delivered the sauce from all that was unnecessary, and made up the perfect sauce formula. Except for the original, triple composition included cream and yolks.

Based on bechamel, you can make a large number of secondary, strictly oriented sauces. An example is sauces such as:

• Mornay – grated parmesan and Gruyeres, true connoisseurs suggest adding a little fish broth. By the way, gruyere is easily replaced with cheddar, and parmesan emmental. This type of sauce is prepared for vegetables and seafood. •Nantua – a variation of the classic white sauce oriented to seafood, crab oil is added to the usual composition. •Soubise – gourmet sauce for fish and poultry. Here in classic composition add mashed onions.


These interesting variations are easy enough to cook and without exact dosage, nevertheless in these cases more emphasis is placed on Cooking Flair. But there are also options for white sauce, where without accuracy can not do.

White Sauce Recipe Sauce Escoffier

The sauces of this truly great cook are designed for restaurants, and therefore the quantitative calculation is great.

Ingredients for Escoffier sauce, the output will be 5 liters:

• 300gr drain oil; • 350g flour; • boiled milk 5l; •300g veal stewed with onions and a small amount of nutmeg walnut.

Butter and flour are fried in a deep pan, golden milk is poured into the mass. Bring the mass to a boil, not forgetting to interfere. After one and a half minutes, add meat and cook for one hour. After boiling, thoroughly strain. To sauce stored longer and did not lose taste, fill it surface with ghee.

Similarly, the great restaurant chef explains how to get simple and tasty creamy dressing, or white sauce quick manufacture:

Boil milk and add onion and pepper, then meat and thyme, and only after that nutmeg. All this must be infused under lid, then add the fried flour and boil twenty minutes.

The great chef was really strict in making white sauce, we can say that from his hands came out real masterpieces. And here is a book about healthy and tasty food Bechamel sauce is much simpler.

Tasty and Healthy White Sauce



• drain oil 2 tbsp; • chicken broth 1.5 cups; • flour sifted 1 tablespoon • 1 yolk;


The oil is divided into two parts, one of which is fried with flour, after which the broth is poured into the resulting mass. After that as the sauce boils again, remove from heat after 7 minutes, add yolk, remaining oil and a little salt.

To give your sauce a touch of true aristocracy decorate it with a small amount of small capers.

If you decide to cook a delicious and fatty sauce for cutlets or cue, prepare another variation of french white sauce, having the simple name “sour cream”.

Bechamel Sour Cream

Ingredients: • 500g sour cream; • flour 1 tbsp; • meat broth 250gr; •1 tbsp oil;


The fried flour is bred with broth, in rare cases broth from vegetables, sour cream is also put there. The resulting mixture is boiled for 7 minutes, salt on the tip of a knife. Give a tint sour cream sauce using fried onions.

Today, the culinary industry believes Bechamel a mixture of two sauces – sour cream and white.


Bechamel “today”


• milk 2 cups; • drain oil 3 tbsp; • sifted flour 3 tablespoons; • spices – nutmeg, pepper, salt.


Flour is sifted directly over the warmed creamy oil, until a delicate, creamy shade is obtained. Upon reaching the desired shade, the milk is poured neatly, the mixture is brought to boil and after 15 minutes it turns off. If instead of milk you If you used meat broth, then add a couple of spoons of sour cream. Spices are added to the ready-made sauce, boil again and strain.

This sauce can be made even more original, for this you some more butter and mushrooms will be needed. Carefully crafted mushrooms add a little salt and toss in boiling oil, then pour the mushrooms into the resulting sauce, and boil.


Why do many people consider bechamel mayonnaise?

For a not very clear reason, in Russia they do not distinguish between white sauce and mayonnaise. Both of these sauces are ancient and necessary, known in the world cookery, but between them a host of differences. These sauces are different and composition and scope, although their appearance is similar, as well as target. The purpose of both of these sauces in one is to remove excessive dryness. dishes, giving in return a juicy taste.

France and Italy are categorical in this matter – white sauce Designed for hot dishes, and mayonnaise for cold. Not worth it forget that mayonnaise is acceptable only in salads. Bake and stew with mayonnaise is not French.

Cook your favorite baked dishes by eliminating mayonnaise and you marvel at what new shades of flavors the old product will play. And last but not least, bechamel is easy to complement with one or another shade, adding only a small amount of spices. While mayonnaise in This question is quite categorical. And one more decisive factor in the benefit of white sauce – there are practically no harmful substances in it, Nothing but what you yourself add to it.

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