A festive breakfast for Easter can also be in the form of a rabbit. Funny donut in the shape of a rabbit tail with paws, no doubt will cheer up. You do not need to cook it special devices or skills. You need a donut in in the form of a ring (it is better to take without glaze so that the paws stick well), icing sugar to make the rabbit white and fluffy, two large marshmallow for paws and ponytails, pink round sweets for foot pads, coconut shavings for fluffy tails and cream marshmallows to stick chips. Collect dessert right on plate and enjoy its taste and original look. с друзьями: Time: 10 мин. Difficulty: Easy Servings: 1
Trim the ends from 1 marshmallow to make it sticky surface, then cut the marshmallows in half so that both half were sticky. Pull each piece into an oval shape, to get the legs of a rabbit. Press on top of each feet of 1 small pink candy (e.g. Smarties). it there will be pads on the feet. Then insert 3 pink confetti into bottom of each foot. Using air marshmallows (Air marshmallows – marshmallow cream) attach the paws to the top 1 a simple donut. Sprinkle the donut with powdered sugar, shaking it off with paws so that pink pads are visible. Using a butter knife, cover 1 marshmallow on top and sides with cream marshmallows and roll it in sweet coconut flakes. Press the shavings to she stuck well. Put the coconut marshmallows in donut hole with chips up. Recipes with similar ingredients: marshmallows, marshmallows cream, confetti, coconut, donuts