Pork in blackcurrant jam


A very original way to cook delicious boiled pork from home ham with jam. Fill pork with garlic, water blackcurrant jam and bake with red wine in the oven. The meat is saturated with jam, wine, acquires a wonderful sweet and sour taste and becomes tender and juicy.

Let’s get started!


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Steps taken: 0/0

  1. My pork ham, soaked in paper napkins or with towels, make cuts on a piece and weighed whole peeled cloves of garlic. The prepared ham is rubbed with salt and put in the form. We put the oven 180 degrees.

  2. Mix blackcurrant jam with dried thyme oil and grease the top and sides of the pork ham. Pouring red wine water (100 ml.) and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

  3. We take out the prepared delicious boiled pork, cover for 10 minutes foil, then transfer to a plate and serve.

  • Red wine

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