Pork ham in the oven: video recipe


Pork ham is a very good piece of meat. To make meat it was juicy and soft, you need to make a little effort. Try this recipe for home-made pork ham since meat It turns out very tasty, delicate, rich and aromatic.

Let’s get started!


0/6 ingredients


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  1. Mix in a bowl the garlic passed through a press, spices for pork, mayonnaise and tomato paste.

  2. Salt the pork ham.

  3. Rub the ham with the prepared marinating mixture. Put marinate meat for 12 hours in the refrigerator.

  4. Put the pickled meat on the foil laid on a baking sheet. Wrap in it and close on top with another sheet foil. Put in a preheated oven to 180 degrees by 1 hour.

  5. After time, remove the pan with pork ham from oven, remove the top sheet of foil and put back on another 10 minutes for him to brown. Incredibly delicious pork ham ready to serve. Enjoy your meal!

  • second
  • meat
  • meat in the oven
  • pork festive dish
  • tender pork meat recipe
  • pork for the holiday
  • pork ham in the oven

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