Peking duck

7 Peking duck

Peking duck is a delicious and delicious dish to decorate any holiday table. The complexity of cooking at home justifies an amazing result that will not leave anyone indifferent foodie!

Let’s get started!


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Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


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  1. Before cooking, thawed duck must be held in room temperature for at least 10 hours.
  2. Next, you need to properly wash the duck, remove the tail, hairs and excess fat, cut off the upper phalanx of the wings. Peking duck
  3. Pour boiling water over the carcass on all sides, keeping it upright position. When water drains – get wet with a towel and then rub the sherry thoroughly (inside and out). Leave on 10 minutes.
  4. On all sides rub the duck with salt, fix it vertically and remove for 12 hours in the refrigerator. Drain regularly fluid that will leak out of the duck.
  5. Then gently grease the duck with a thin layer of honey and put in refrigerator for another 12 hours, again fixing it in a vertical position.
  6. When the oven warms up to 190 ° C, pour a glass of water into a baking sheet, and place a wire rack over it. Lay a duck on it breast up. Cover the duck on the wire rack and the baking sheet tightly with foil. Leave on for 70 minutes.
  7. While the duck is cooking, mix sesame oil and soy sauce, adding ginger and pepper. Take out the duck, remove the foil and baking sheet, grease the duck with the mixture. Peking duck
  8. Raise the oven temperature to 260 ° C, put the duck on the wire rack and cook for 20-25 minutes.
  9. Mix soy sauce and honey and grease the duck. Switch oven on grill mode and leave the duck for another 10 minutes until it forms crust.
  10. When the duck is ready, beautifully serve it and serve with salad and / or light side dish.

Enjoy your meal!

  • second
  • Chinese
  • meat
  • duck
  • Peking duck

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