Oven fries

A Healthier Alternative to Practical French Fries one fat. Cut the potatoes into long strips and bake in the oven at high temperature. The potato is no less tasty and crispy and without excess fat. So that he does not stick to the pan, abundantly sprinkle a baking sheet with a cooking spray, grease or cover parchment paper. Nutritional value of one serving: (total 4) Calories 280, total fats 7 g., Saturated fats g., Proteins 6 g., carbohydrates 50 g, fiber g., cholesterol mg., sodium mg., sugar g. Photo fries in the oven Time: 45 мин. Difficulty: Easy Servings: 4


  • 3 large baked potatoes, sliced in thick strips 0.5 cm
  • 2 tbsp. l rapeseed oil

Preheat the oven to 230 ° C. In a large bowl mix potatoes with oil and 0.5 tsp. salt. Sprinkle a baking sheet culinary spray and lay the potatoes in one layer. Bake until golden crisp for about 35 minutes. Shift potato with a spatula and salt. Recipes with similar ingredients: potatoes

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