Mustard Turkey Apples


Every housewife before the holidays thinks what to cook in order to to surprise guests. Turkey is a great option for a beautiful home the table. The mustard sauce used in this recipe gives the dish even more piquant taste.

Let’s get started!


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  1. Rub the turkey with salt, basil and pepper inside and out. Wrap it in a film and put it in the refrigerator (for 12 hours).
  2. Cut the apples into medium slices.
  3. Mix olive oil with mustard.
  4. Turn on the oven 200 degrees.
  5. Expand turkey, grease thoroughly with mustard sauce (outside).
  6. Place sliced ​​apples inside the bird. Tie the legs of the turkey thread.
  7. Wrap the turkey with foil, even in several layers. To turkey carcass did not fall on a barrel, it can be supported by apples.
  8. Place the stuffed bird breast-down on the baking sheet. Breast is a very dry place, white meat is soaked in this way juice will become soft.
  9. Bake the turkey for 50 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, and then turn down the fire to 170 and wait another 2.5 hours.
  10. Take out the turkey and pour over the resulting juice, and then put in the oven for another 35 minutes.

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