This year, put on the festive table a luxurious fried bird deep-fried, cooked using the recipe of Patrick and Gina Neely. In this delicious dish there is also a fragrant breading from специй, и супер-хрустящая корочка. Time: 2 час. 25 minutes Difficulty: medium Servings: 10 Measured containers are used in recipes volume: 1 cup (st.) – 240 ml. 3/4 cup (st.) – 180 ml. 1/2 cups (st.) – 120 ml. 1/3 cup (st.) – 80 ml. 1/4 cup (Art.) – 60 ml. 1 tablespoon (tbsp.) – 15 ml. 1 teaspoon (tsp) – 5 ml.
Ingredients for the recipe:
- 1 turkey carcass (6.5 kg.), Remove entrails, rinse and to dry
- 1 tbsp. l smoked paprika
- 1.5 tsp garlic powder
- 1.5 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1 tsp dried thyme
- 1 tbsp. l salt
- 1.5 tsp ground black pepper
- Peanut butter for frying (approx. 3 l.)
Recipes with similar ingredients: Turkey, Peanut Butter, Pepper ground cayenne, onion powder, garlic powder, thyme, paprika
Recipe preparation:
- In a bowl, mix smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, thyme, salt and pepper. Small rub the turkey inside with a mixture of spices. Finger apart skin in the area of the breast, starting from above and moving to the right and left, and then down. Rub a small amount of spices into the meat under the skin. Sprinkle the turkey with the remaining mixture. Lay the bird on baking sheet and cover with cling film. Refrigerate night or up to 24 hours, so that it is saturated with the aroma of spices.
- Estimate how much oil you need for deep fat. For this put turkey in an empty deep-frying pan and pour it over cold water. Get out the turkey. Mark the water level in the pan. Pour out the water and dry the deep fat fryer and turkey well. Pour peanut butter into the deep-frying pan until the mark (not pour more than 3/4 of the volume). Preheat the oil to 205 ° C, it will take about one hour.
- While the oil is heating, remove the turkey from the refrigerator and let it stand at room temperature. When the oil reaches 205 ° C, very carefully lower the carcass into the hot oil. (AT most fryers have a poultry frying basket in which there are hooks and a handle to raise and lower it. If such you don’t have any appliances, take durable cooking tongs, with which you can grab the carcass by the breast and the hole near the neck and a kitchen fork to hold the turkey on the other side.) Make sure that the oil temperature remains during frying unchanged. Fry the turkey for about 45 minutes, until the peel will turn golden brown, dark and crispy, or for now the temperature according to the culinary thermometer in the chest area does not reach 70 ° C. Carefully remove the turkey from the butter and place on a wire rack, to stack excess fat for about 30 minutes. Do not cover the carcass foil, otherwise it will not be crispy. While the turkey will be “rest”, the temperature inside will reach 74 ° C. Lay turkey on a board or serving dish.