Knuckle festive


On the eve of the New Year holidays, the original ones are relevant, exquisite dishes that amaze the imagination and delight the eye, while simple to cook at home, not taking a lot of time on preparatory period. All these wishes are answered the next dish is a delicious pork knuckle. Guests will be amazed at the overall view and enjoy the melt in the mouth juicy, tender, flavorful meat.

Let’s get started!


0/15 ingredients

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Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. We will prepare the products that are required for cooking.
  2. Washed pork shank pour beer and put on fire.
  3. As it boils, drop the chopped onions, garlic, randomly, carrots, celery. And also add black allspice, caraway seeds, bay leaf, cloves, salt. Knuckle festive
  4. Boil an hour on one side (with a slight boil), gently turn the shank over and cook the hour on the other side. Then shank carefully remove using wide shoulder blades (without piercing meat), cool a little. Knuckle festive
  5. For sauce, strain 100 ml of broth and mix it with honey and mustard. Knuckle festive
  6. Shift the knuckle in a baking dish, pour with honey sauce (3 tbsp.) And dry in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees (a couple of times generously pouring sauce). Knuckle festive
  7. Serve the finished shank on a festive dish with boiled potatoes or rice, stewed cabbage, garnished with greens. Knuckle festive
  • second
  • meat
  • New Year
  • pork

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