Kiwi Pie

4Kiwi Pie

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The recipe for the pie, which we cook at home only with kiwi. With others fruits such a chic taste can not be achieved. in friable thin dough under the most delicate cream.

Let’s get started!


0/10 ingredients


Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Cut the peeled kiwi into small cubes. Kiwi Pie
  2. For the test in a bowl, grind granulated sugar with room oil temperature.
  3. Beat eggs, stir.
  4. Pour baking powder with flour, knead uncooked dough.
  5. Put the dough in a greased form, arranging the sides. Kiwi Pie
  6. For cream, beat sugar with cream.
  7. Beat eggs.
  8. Put in cream cheese, mix gently. Kiwi Pie
  9. On a prepared dough, lay out slices of kiwi in an even layer. Kiwi Pie
  10. Top up with cream. Kiwi Pie
  11. Put the form with the dough preheated to 180 degrees oven for 35 minutes. Kiwi Pie
  12. Cut the finished cake completely chilled.
  • kiwi
  • cream
  • pie

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