Frosting for Easter cakes (does not crumble): video recipe


Admit it, it annoys you if the icing with Easter cake crumbles and crumbles? Me – very much! And I found an unrealistic recipe, and no longer the first year I cook this icing for Easter cakes. Snow white homogeneous, does not crumble, does not get dirty, does not stick and is not stiff! Just perfect delicious icing sugar and cook it elementary! And there is no egg white in the composition. And very yummy!

Let’s get started!


0/4 ingredients

? 224

Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Soak gelatin in water according to instructions. But best to take instant gelatin, it can be poured with a spoon of water and through a couple of minutes it is ready and will dissolve quickly and without residue.
  2. Put the remaining water with citric acid and sugar on a slow fire until sugar dissolves.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in swollen gelatin to homogeneity.
  4. Beat with a mixer immediately. After 2 minutes of whipping Perfect glaze is ready.
  5. Frost cakes.
  6. Leave overnight until completely solidified.
  • glaze
  • Easter cakes
  • Easter
  • fudge

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