Easter cake on honey

one Easter cake on honey

If you are preparing for the holiday of Easter, and still not you know what recipe to cook at home delicious cake, then take a look at this honey cake easter recipe. It turns out very delicious and lush. Make it no harder than a traditional Easter cake. It can be made not high, in the form of a cake or any other forms.

Let’s get started!


0/10 ingredients


Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Heat the milk to forty degrees. Dissolve the yeast in it. Easter cake on honey
  2. Add a glass of flour and send the dough to a warm place on Fifteen minutes. Opara is ready when a cap is formed from bubbles. Easter cake on honey
  3. Melt the butter. Add sour cream, sugar to the dough eggs, honey and butter. We mix everything. Easter cake on honey
  4. Add flour and knead the dough. Leave in a warm place on hour and a half. Easter cake on honey
  5. Stir the dough and leave it alone for an hour.
  6. Steam raisins and rid it of moisture.
  7. Add raisins to the dough, knead in a bun. Lubricate the mold butter, put dough in it, leave it for another twenty minutes in a warm place. Easter cake on honey
  8. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.
  • honey cake
  • Easter cakes
  • Easter
  • Easter cake
  • celebration

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