Chicken Pastrami


Initially, pastroma is a beef meat treat and a dish the cuisines of Moldova and Romania. However, then they began to make pastrami from pork, turkey and chicken. We will cook delicious chicken at home pastram. It is a worthy alternative to shop sausages.

Let’s get started!


0/9 ingredients


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Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. My chicken fillet. Soak overnight in water with salt.
  2. The next morning we take it out of the brine and dress it with a thread.
  3. We prepare a mixture for lubricating chicken, combining vegetable oil, honey, ground paprika, grated nutmeg, ground chili, granulated garlic (or garlic salt). Everything mix. Chicken Pastrami
  4. Coat the chicken fillet well on all sides and place in foil baking dish.
  5. We heat the oven to 250 degrees and send the form there with chicken fillet for 20-25 minutes. Then turn off the oven, but the meat leave in the oven until completely cooled. Chicken Pastrami
  6. When serving, cut the threads, cut the meat into slices.
  • Bake
  • chicken fillet
  • Hen
  • pastroma

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