Chicken Liver Cupcake

2Chicken Liver Cupcake

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Hearty home-made pastries, which undoubtedly you will like it. It will be perfect if you make such a cupcake for lunch.

Let’s get started!


0/13 ingredients


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Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Finely chop the onion and chicken liver, rub the carrots on medium grater. Chicken Liver Cupcake
  2. Divide the butter into two parts, on one part of the butter pass the onion and carrots until the onion becomes transparent. Add another part of the oil to the chicken liver and fry it for 5-7 minutes until ready. Turn off the stove, salt and pepper the filling, now let it cool. Chicken Liver Cupcake
  3. We take hard cheese and rub on a coarse grater, green. Chicken Liver Cupcake
  4. Beat the eggs, and add milk and sunflower oil to them. Then add the remaining ingredients and knead the dough, The consistency of our dough should be like thick sour cream. Last first, we introduce the cooled chicken liver and vegetables into the mixture. Chicken Liver Cupcake
  5. Parchment paper line the cake pan, grease it oil. Pour the dough into a mold and put in a preheated oven. We will bake for 40-50 minutes.

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