Cheese Cookies with Herbs

2 Cheese Cookies with Herbs

Cheese cookies are a tasty snack for any feast. Crumbly home-made crispy cookies with pronounced cheese you’ll like the taste.

Let’s get started!


0/7 ingredients


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  1. Grate the cheese.
  2. Place the oil in advance in the freezer for at least 2 hours, Remove and grate in a bowl with cheese.
  3. Add flour, salt and herbs.
  4. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands, in the end it should get together in a ball. If this does not happen, you can add 1 a tablespoon of cold water.
  5. Wet hands form small balls and palm or bottom flatten them on a baking sheet, thereby turning them into cookies.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance. Put cookies in already preheated oven and bake for about 20 minutes (cookies will golden).
  • bake
  • bakery products
  • milk products
  • Flour
  • Biscuit

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