Carrot casserole


  • 5

Is it hard to feed the little fussy? Try to cook him a delicious homemade carrot casserole. The taste of carrots is not at all felt, but it makes the casserole so sweet and vibrant! Children enjoy eating it for breakfast and afternoon tea.

Let’s get started!


0/6 ingredients

Belsi 5 из 5 1 283,96

Great job

Bon appetit, I hope you had fun with us!


Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Prepare the products: Carrot casserole
  2. Wash, peel, grate carrots with fine graters .. Carrot casserole
  3. Add the egg and sugar. To mix everything. Carrot casserole
  4. Pour flour and baking powder with the addition of vegetable oil into the end. Again, mix everything carefully. Carrot casserole
  5. Remove the resulting dough into pre-oiled bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees minutes 30-35. Carrot casserole
  • dish for children from carrots
  • carrot cake

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