Spanakopita (Greek Spinach Pie)

Spanakopita (Greek Spinach Pie) – a detailed recipe cooking. Photo of Spanakopit (Greek spinach pie) Time: 1 hour. 25 min Difficulty: easy Quantity: 60 triangular pies B recipes use measured containers with a volume of: 1 glass (tbsp.) – 240 ml 3/4 cup (st.) – 180 ml. 1/2 cup (tbsp.) – 120 ml. 1/3 cups (st.) – 80 ml. 1/4 cup (st.) – 60 ml. 1 tablespoon (tbsp. l.) – 15 ml. 1 teaspoon (tsp) – 5 ml.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • 900 gr. spinach (rinse and drain the water)
  • 450 gr filo dough sheets
  • 1/3 Art. olive oil
  • 1 bunch chopped green onions (white and green parts)
  • 1/4 Art. finely chopped parsley
  • Salt and ground black pepper
  • 225 gr. crumbled feta cheese
  • 1-2 lightly beaten eggs
  • 1 tbsp. (225 gr.) Melted butter

Recipes with similar ingredients: spinach, filo dough, eggs, cheese feta, green onion, parsley

Recipe preparation:

  1. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a large pan, put half spinach and fry until it settles, stirring with tongs, about 2 minutes Spin the spinach and squeeze the excess liquid, then chop coarsely. Repeat with the remaining spinach, using another tablespoon of olive oil. Pour out all the liquid from the pan and pour the remaining olive butter. Add green onions and fry until soft, about 2-3 min Put spinach to the onion along with parsley, salt and pepper. Cook over low heat for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat and let cool off. (All this can be done the day before and stored in fridge).
  2. Add feta cheese and as much beaten egg to chilled the spinach mixture became wet. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Grease a small amount of melted creamy baking sheet butter. Unroll the filo dough on a flat surface and cover parchment paper and a damp towel so that it does not dry or became brittle. With a sharp knife, cut the dough into strips of 8×28 cm. And cover with a towel again. With a culinary brush, brush flat dough filo with melted butter.
  3. Put one small spoonful of spinach filling at a distance 2.5 cm from the edge of the dough. Wrap the end on the filling to get triangle, then continue to wrap the strip in triangles, how to fold the flag. Do the same with the remaining strips. dough, laying out triangles with filling on a baking sheet and covering them towel before baking. Lightly grease the triangles with butter, then bake them for 20-25 minutes until they turn golden and crispy. Serve hot. (Before baking triangles you can freeze by laying layers with parchment paper so that the triangles not stuck together. Bake frozen triangles for 10 minutes. longer.)
  4. In a baking dish: Lubricate the baking dish in size 23×33 cm. Butter and put on the bottom 6 sheets of filo, lubricating each with butter. Put spinach on the dough stuffing, then cover with 6 more sheets of filo, greasing each butter. On the top three sheets, make incisions sharp with a knife. Bake for 40-45 minutes until golden. Let stand for 15 minutes, then cut into squares and serve warm.

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