Far Eastern Rolls

four Far Eastern Rolls

These delicious rolls use Korean carrots, cooked at home according to the following recipe with cucumber

Let’s get started!


0/7 ingredients


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Steps taken: 0/0

  1. Boil rice (according to package instructions). Far Eastern Rolls
  2. In a bowl, mix hot rice with rice vinegar, three tbsp. l on 400 g of cooked rice.
  3. Sauté red fish, sliced ​​in small pieces, in butter to salt. Far Eastern Rolls
  4. Cucumbers cut into long strips.
  5. In a bowl, dilute three tbsp. l rice vinegar in 200 ml of water.
  6. On the mat, put the nori down with the shiny side. Wetting hands put rice in vinegar water, leaving a free space on top for bonding. Far Eastern Rolls
  7. Put the prepared filling of fish, cucumbers and rice carrots. Far Eastern Rolls
  8. With two hands, we begin to roll the roll, lifting mat.
  9. We bend, touching the edge of the rice. Far Eastern Rolls
  10. Then we lift the edge of the mat, and roll the nori with the filling forward. Far Eastern Rolls
  11. Cut the roll with a knife dipped in vinegar water so as not to sticking rice, into pieces about two cm wide. Far Eastern Rolls
  12. Serve with wasabi, soy sauce, ginger.

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